To all those learning to drive/sitting the driving test or just plain interested

I spend most days sitting in the passanger seat of my learner vehicle. I wanted to share the things I see happening in my town and the silly mistakes I see happening again and again on our roads.

I hope that some of the things I have to say will be funny and also to some value to those wanting/needing to sit the Irish driving test.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Driving Test Routes

Driving testers report hearing comments from test candidates that say "My instructor doesn't do it here, ie the reverse round the corner, I'm used to the one around the corner, can we go there?"
The answer to that question is a simple "no".

Other silly things test candidates say:
When asked what the blue sigh with the "H" in it is, the replies are anything from Hotel, Helicopter pad, Hurley Pitch.
Last time I looked it was very definitely a Hospital

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