To all those learning to drive/sitting the driving test or just plain interested

I spend most days sitting in the passanger seat of my learner vehicle. I wanted to share the things I see happening in my town and the silly mistakes I see happening again and again on our roads.

I hope that some of the things I have to say will be funny and also to some value to those wanting/needing to sit the Irish driving test.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Are men better drivers than women?

We all know the age old saying that men are better drivers than woman, but is that actually the case? Men always assume that women are bad drivers, but that being the case why is it that insurance companies like Quinn direct offer low cost insurance geared at ladies. Quinn direct states that "women drivers are statistically safer drivers"

In a recent survey it was found that male drivers are more likely than women to break the law, male drivers appear to be risk takers.

55% 30% Found to drink drive.
47% 38% Found to rudely gesture at other drivers
84% 77% Crash their vehicle
51% 40% Distracted by billboards
46% 36% Verbally abusive while driving
22% 15% Use their mobile phones while driving

Male drivers are more than twice likely to die in a car crash as women. Statistics show that as many as 73% of all people killed in a car crash are male, but yes women have a greater number of minor crashes than men,

So with those statistics why is it that women get such a hard time about their driving skills and abilities? Why are there so many bad driving jokes relating to females? Is it because men think they still own the roads and that they and they alone should be allowed to use them? Could it possibly be that women put themselves in the position of the vulnerable lady driver by not knowing how to change a tyre or check their oil levels. Is it females reluctance to get their hands dirty or their reluctance to be more in command behind the drivers wheel that lends men to think that we are totally incapable of driving?

Wife: "There's trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor"
Husband: " Water in the carburetor? that's ridiculous"
Wife: "I tell you the car has water in the carburetor"
Husband: "You don't even know where the carburetor is. Where's the car?"
Wife: "In the swimming pool"

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